Fernanda Martins — Psicóloga Clínica
Fernanda Martins é uma profissional formada em psicologia com foco em atendimento clínico para adolescentes e adultos.

A marca foi projetada para conversar com esses clientes citados acima, no briefing ficou claro o que ela queria, o símbolo da Psicologia somado as suas iniciais. 


EN// Fernanda Martins is a professional trained in psychology with a focus on clinical care for adolescents and adults.
The brand was designed to talk to these clients mentioned above, in the briefing it was clear what she wanted, the Psychology symbol added to her initials.
Client: Fernanda Martins   //     Actions: Clinical care    //     Location: Fortaleza - Ce Brasil
Deliveries: Visual identity and packaging     //     Direction and development: Ivanilson Martins     // 

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